Principal Scientists
Environmental Chemistry Consultants Nancy Rothman, PhD and Susan Chapnick, MS of New Environmental Horizons are recognized technical experts in analytical chemistry, quality assurance, data assessment, and data validation of environmental measurements.
We are well respected senior chemists with long standing working relationships with NOAA, USEPA, MassDEP, NJDEP, and NYSDEC. Rothman is currently the Assistant Technical Workgroup Leader for Chemistry and Sampling for NOAA’s Natural Resource Damage Assessment of the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill. Chapnick is the project Quality Assurance Officer at numerous Superfund sites in New England.

Gulf Oil Spill
As technical experts under the direction of NOAA, NEH scientists have a key role in the planning, execution, and quality assurance oversight for the Natural Resource Damage Assessment of the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill.
NEH is providing analytical chemistry support for complex state-of-the-art analyses in real-time to generate high quality environmental data for agency decisions. NEH works collaboratively with multi-agency teams to assemble appropriate data for assessment of numerous potential impacts to the Gulf ecosystem including deep water benthic, marine mammals and turtles, marshes, and shoreline.

New York Coal Tar Site
NEH’s senior chemists expedited the data usability review of VOCs and SVOCs for NYSDEC regulatory compliance such that the project team was able to achieve site cleanup and closure within 14 months after the start of in-place chemical oxidation treatment.
Located along the East River in a residential and commercial neighborhood, this former manufacturing facility in Long Island City, NY, used coal tar as the main waterproofing material. The principal toxic chemicals of concern from coal tar – benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene – contaminated the soil and groundwater site-wide.

New Bedford Harbor
NEH was the project Quality Assurance Officer for the New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site, MA, working with a team of scientists and engineers from EPA, the Army Corps of Engineers, and Woods Hole Group to clean-up PCB-contaminated sediments.
NEH developed the field and laboratory QA/QC procedures, provided technical expertise to mitigate analytical issues in real-time, and validated thousands of sediment and water column PCB Congener results to support monitoring efforts during remediation. To date, approximately 340,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment have been removed from the harbor.
Specialties & Distinctions
Environmental Chemistry Consulting
Planning & Development of Data Quality Objectives
Evaluation of Data
Site Assessment Support
Risk Assessment Support
Litigation Support
Analytical Chemistry Experts
Quality Assurance | Quality Control of Environmental Measurements
Data Assessment & Validation
A Women Owned Small Business